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💡小知識 | 香檳以外的另一種浪漫:Cremant

7月 03, 2017

提起Sparkling wine,不論外行定內行人,第一時間都會先諗起香檳🍾,你地又有冇聽過同樣黎自法國嘅 #Cremant?Cremant嘅法定產區比較多,大家耳熟能詳嘅 #Bordeaux,#Alsace 都可以見到佢身影。而歷史最悠久嘅,就係Cremant de #Limoux。早在1531年就有歷史紀錄,比香檳仲要早!由於用傳統法製做,氣泡非常幼細而烘烤香氣一樣強烈!下次想飲有法國氣息嘅Sparkling,唔一定淨係飲香檳,價錢相宜嘅Cremant一樣係好選擇!


#Senswinecellar #SENS #Sparklingwine

When it comes to sparkling wines, people will firstly think of the prestigious Champagne. But have you heard of Cremant? It is a French sparkling wine which also uses “#MethodeTraditionelle”. There are several appellations of Cremant, including the well-known Bordeaux and Alsace, etc. But the most historic region is Limoux, where the first Cremant in history was recorded in 1531, even earlier than Champagne! Because of Methode Traditionelle, Cremant has fine mousse and delighting toasted notes! Next time if you wanna choose a French sparkling, rather than Champagne, the less expensive Cremant would be another good choice!