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😀意料之外的味道 | Ximenez Spinola Exceptional Harvest

8月 18, 2017

Ximenez Spinola Exceptional Harvest

Pedro Ximenez (PX)這種葡萄🍇,目前在全世界已所餘無幾,即使在盛產Sherry的Jerez區,也只有Ximenez Spinola一家酒莊仍以自家種植單一PX釀酒。然而酒莊不單釀造Sherry,竟然用晚收21日的PX釀造白酒🍾!開瓶後,第一時間感受到極濃郁的蜜蠟🍯,無花果乾等極集中的芳香,還有一點木桶感覺。當你以為這酒一定會很甜膩時,它卻表現出意料之外的味道!入口濃厚,一開始出來的是微微的酸度,在口中縈繞一會,微甜感覺開始出來,不慍不火,不會攻陷味蕾。餘韻的回甘提升了層次感👍!最好用來配鵝肝,恰到好處的甜度,不會蓋過食物風味!

#SENS #Senswinecellar #XimenezSpinola #PedroXimenez #whitewine #boutiquewine #Spanishwine #sherry #Jerez #FoieGras #XimenezSpinolaExceptionalHarvest

There are not so many Pedro Ximenez (PX) grapes planted on the Earth nowadays🍇. Even in Jerez, one of the most famous regions of sherry, only Ximenez Spinola makes wines with single variety of PX, planted by themselves. However, the winery does not only make sherry, but also white wine 🍾with PX picked overripe after 21 days on the vine. After opening the bottle, the concentrated aromas of beeswax🍯 and dried figs, as well as the feeling of barrels, run into my nose. When you expect the taste of this wine to be very sweet, it shows you an unexpected flavour! On the palate it is very rich. The impressive acidity firstly explodes in your mouth, followed by the slight sweetness. The after-taste even enhances the structure👍! It is best paired with Foie gras du Canard. The just-to-the-point sweetness will not overwhelm the taste of the food itself!