Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


10月 13, 2017

既然如此,我就會挑選平衡度高的香檳,例如作者推介的Champagne Tarlant Cuvee Louis,這支早前賣斷市的90年代混釀香檳,討好的金黃色中,入口有著深刻的無花果乾,杏脯味道,還有木桶帶來的烘烤感,經典得來不失高貴感。每個人的選擇都不一樣,但至少我和每位酒客的標準是一樣的,喝了覺得開心就好😀。

#SENS #Senswinecellar #Champagne #Tarlant #CuveeLouis

Whether a wine is good or bad depends on the personal preference of every drinker. Actually wine tasting is just like a kind of Arts. There is no any rule of judging if it is delicious or not📏. It’s always subjective. Only one criterion can apply to all: good champagne should make you happy.
I would select a bottle of champagne which is balanced in many aspects, such as Champagne Tarlant Cuvee Louis. This champagne from vintages in the 90s was sold out before. The delighting golden yellow champagne has the taste of dried rigs and apricot, and the toastiness of oak. The taste is classic and noble. Maybe everyone’s choice is different. At least I stand with the writer: I feel happy after drinking this cuvee Louis😀.
