Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


10月 16, 2017

Crémant同樣以香檳法作瓶內二次發酵,只是產區分佈在香檳區以外的8個地區。當然,價錢不會便宜得像啤酒一樣,但還是能感受香檳般的果香味與高貴感。Party budget有限?Crémant一樣可以代替香檳🍻!

Golden bubbles with fine mousse and the aromas of toasted bread are always the reasons why champagnes are attractive to drinkers. But a bottle of decent champagne may cost you more than 500 dollars. Wine lovers can’t always afford champagnes every time. Actually, crémant can be a less expensive alternative to champagnes!
Same as champagne, every crémant also goes through the process of bottle fermentation. The only difference is that crémant is produced in the 8 regions outside Champagne. Of course, the price will not be the same as beer, but you can still enjoy the fruitiness and elegance of champagne. The party budget is limited? Let’s choose crémant as your alternative🍻