Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


6月 22, 2017

黎自紐西蘭嘅Crowded House Sauvignon Blanc,佢嘅香氣同味道就絕對唔“擠迫”,完全唔覺得緊,打開蓋,樽入面嘅柑橘🍊,桃果香味🍑,毫無保留咁滿瀉出黎,口感清新帶岩岩好嘅酸度,仲有頗長果香嘅aftertaste,一啲都唔覺得味道好緊。喺自間Very Crowded house開party飲住Crowded House,就算身處香港,至少可以用一杯酒🥂時間FF下Marlborough 地區嘅風光。

#Senswinecellar #SENS #NewZealandWine

The name of the New Zealand’s Sauvignon Blanc, “Crowded House”, its aroma and taste are never trapped in the “crowded house”. The citrus 🍊and stone fruits🍑 aromas can easily explode to the drinkers from the bottle. The wine refreshes your tongue 👅with its just-right-to-the-point acidity, and the lingering aftertaste. Even you live in a “very crowded house” in Hong Kong, at least you can lift your glass🥂 of “Crowded House” with your friend, imaging the scenic view of Marlborough region.