Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

👫合作無間的好拍擋 | 南法三大葡萄

8月 14, 2017

南法溫暖的氣候,造就了 #Grenache,#Syrah,#Mourvedre 三種嗜熱而愛乾爽的葡萄。Grenache單寧較低而甜度較高,活像一個可愛的甜姐兒。Syrah有較高單寧並能強化酒體,更有辛香風味,顆粒卻較細小,彷如外向的☀️陽光小姐。Mourvedre皮厚而單寧高,內在卻有田園般的優雅感,外剛內柔。三者能互補不足,造出風格優雅而帶叢林感覺的佳釀。正如三個好朋友,即使個性南轅北轍,仍能拍住上✋!

#SENS #Senswinecellar #grapevarieties #wine #Frenchwine #Languedoc #ChateauGilbertGaillard #CalmelJoseph

The warm climate in southern France creates an ideal growing ground for the three classic grapes: Grenache, Syrah and Mourvedre. Grenache has less tannins but higher sweetness, just like an energetic sweetheart. Syrah has more tannin but can enrich the bodies of the wines, along with the aromas of spices. It is always in small shape, just like an outgoing ☀️Miss Sunshine. Mourvedre has more tannins due to its thicker skins, with the elegant aromas of 🌳garrigues (forests in Southern France), making it like a girl who is tough on the outside and soft on the inside. The three grapes can complement each other, creating the characteristic wines of elegance of the garrigues . Despite the different personalities they have, the three best buddies can still get on well with each other✋.