Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


1月 04, 2018


根據美國的Master of Wine兼廚師Tim Hanni的研究,選酒也與本人性格有關😉。他亦因此提出了四類酒型人格:極高敏感,高度敏感,中等敏感及低敏感度。每個人都會跟據自己的個性而不知不覺選擇了適合自己的葡萄酒。大家不妨玩一玩以下測驗,看看結果是否準確?


#SENS #Senswinecellar #Wine #Vinotype #心理測驗 #Psychology

【Your personality defines your palate: Vinotype test】

🍾What will affect people’s choice of wines? Some people may choose their wines depending on the pairing with food, the atmosphere and the situation. But sometimes, our personality will lead us to the right wine.

According to the studies done by Tim Hanni, an American chef and a Master of Wine, people’s own personality plays a vital role in the process of choosing wines😉. He therefore suggests four kinds of Vinotypes: sweet, hypersensitive, sensitive and tolerant. People tend to make a choice on the wines based on their own personality. Let’s finish the test and see if it’s appropriate?