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[SENS.COFFEE] INDIA 印度 | Malabar | Monsoon 風漬



銷量No.1 (No.1 Bestseller)

Monsoon Malabar Arabica is a coffee that can divide enthusiasts - some love it and refuse to drink anything else, others loathe it.
Monsoon Malabar is often well regarded as being perfect for that typically classic Italian style espresso experience due to the thick, viscous body and the incredibly low acid. The difference between the Monsoon Malabar and general Italian style coffees is that the Monsoon Malabar is 100% arabica whereas most, if not all Italian style coffees contain varying amounts of robusta.

Monsoon Malabar經常被視為最適合用來做意大利特濃咖啡,因為它豐厚濃稠,以及酸度出奇地低。它與一般意式咖啡的最大分別,就是它是100%阿拉比卡(Arabica)咖啡豆,而意式咖啡在多數情況下,都會混入不同分量的羅布斯塔(Robusta)咖啡豆。

Region 產區:
Karnataka & Kerala

Varietal 品種:
Catimor, Caturra, Kent, S795

Processing 處理法:
Monsooned 風漬

Altitude 高度:
1,100 to 1,200 meters above sea level

Roast level 烘焙度:
Dark Roast 深烘焙

Flavor 風味:
Strong, intense, low acid, marzipan, macadamia nuts, rich chocolate and dark cocoa tones and spices. It's a complex coffee with and all sorts of things going on at the same time.


Freshly roasted in Hong Kong

Music to relax:

Rachmaninov, Sergey: 14 Songs, Op. 34: No. 14. Vocalise (arr. for cello and piano)
Performer: Krijgh, Amara

Category: Coffee, coffee beans, India

Type: Coffee