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Hennessy X.O Odyssey 2023


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自 1765 年以來,軒尼詩把干邑釀造藝術不斷力臻完美,歷八代釀酒大師的傳承。
這款 X.O 限量版,以奧斯卡金像獎最佳導演得主 Damien Chazelle 獨特的色彩與鏡頭語言為靈感。經由交錯的金色線條,融匯勾勒出璀璨珍貴的相聚時光。


干邑 (白蘭地)



軒尼詩 X.O 干邑的生命之水味道深邃而濃烈,在較年輕的酒桶內陳釀。以強勁、活力、圓潤的口感而著稱,隨著時間的推移愈發醇厚。品味旅程可分為 7 個篇章:

  • 甘飴之始 - 入口即由蜜餞水果的味道包覆。
  • 昇華之熱 - 飽滿而誘人,緩慢呈現的暖意,透過橡木桶陳年的生命之水逐漸轉化出複雜多重的滋味。
  • 辛香之誘 - 強烈干邑辛香為味覺帶來衝擊,獨特的黑胡椒與淺淺的朱古力風味不斷挑逗味蕾。
  • 綻放之焰 - 一陣陣暖流變得強烈,到達頂峰,繼而消散。強而有力、豐盛又華麗。
  • 醇厚之魅 - 逐步感受到熟悉的滋味。就是圓潤濃郁的黑朱古力。
  • 橡木之邃 - 令人注目的感覺突然湧現——橡木與雲呢拿的味道剛勁有力、縈繞不斷。
  • 回味無窮 - 逐漸消散的橡木香氣,留着悠長、幽香的餘韻。味道中的微妙細節、所帶來的感官享受,都彷如無盡的迴響,久久不散。

Rising like the sun, the golden fine lines symbolize the layers of life, built on people, emotions and experiences encountered through life. Echoing the new X.O Odyssey campaign by Damien Chazelle, the colors and silhouettes are an invitation to enjoy moments of togetherness with loved ones.
Taste the iconic blend of X.O and embark on a sensorial journey a true Odyssey of the senses.

Place of origin:

Cognac (Brandy)



Tasting Notes:
Deep and powerful, the eaux-de-vie of this Hennessy X.O cognac are aged in young barrels and marked out by their power and energy, but also by their capacity to achieve a great roundness through time.
The tasting journey can be divided into 7 chapters:

SWEET NOTES - The palate is warmly embraced by flavors of candied fruit.

RISING HEAT - The intriguing sensation of an intense, rising heat slowly reveals the complex taste of eaux-de-vie patiently aged in oak barrels.

SPICY EDGE - Perception of a strong spicy cognac note, tantalising the lips and palate with its distinct peppery flavor intertwined with a hint of chocolate.

FLOWING FLAMES - A wave of warmth grows, crests and then breaks. A robust presence, full and voluptuous, is felt.

CHOCOLATE LULL - There is the gradual discovery of something very familiar. It is the well-rounded flavor of a rich, dark chocolate.

WOOD CRUNCHES - A striking sensation is suddenly felt – the vigorous ebb and flow of oak notes interlaced with vanilla.

INFINITE ECHO - The evanescent oak notes leave a long, omnipresent finish in their wake. Seemingly endless, it echoes all of the subtleties of each taste and sensation that has preceded it.

Category: Brandy, Cognac, Fine Wines, Spirits

Type: Spirits
