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June 09, 2017
熱左兩個禮拜,你同我都已經曬到溶左😵。好彩咁熱嘅天氣,仲有Capaia Sauvignon Blanc幫我地消下暑🆒!位於🇿🇦️南非大西洋沿岸嘅Capaia酒莊,1997年喺開普敦(Cape Town)成立,釀酒哲學兩句講哂“Beauty comes from nature, Quality comes from within⛰️”,莊主Ingrid同Alexander相信只要重視自然,定能釀出頂級美酒。喺波爾多伯爵Stephan von Neipperg(冇錯,又係佢😏)加入團隊後,釀酒質素更大大提升!Capaia Sauvignon Blanc果香樸鼻,一打開支酒,番石榴,熱情果味滿瀉出黎🍏🍊🍋,飲落去極清爽,喺呢個炎炎既盛夏,直頭好似跳落海游水一樣🏝️!而家Capaia Sauvignon Blanc做緊限時優惠,仲唔快啲買番兩支放入雪櫃看門口!
#Senswinecellar #sens #Capaia #SauvignonBlanc #summer #summerdrinks
It is scorching outside… I am sweating like a pig after two weeks of such blazing weather😵…luckily I still got a bottle of Capaia Sauvignon Blanc to chill out! 🆒The winery is situated near the coast of Atlantic Ocean in Cape Town of South Africa🇿🇦️. Established in 1997, Their winemaking philosophy quite is simple “Beauty comes from nature, Quality comes from within⛰️”. The owners, Ingrid and Alexander, believe that natural factors are important for making good wines. After Stephen von Neipperg (Yes, it’s him again😏) joined the team, he has kick it up a notch! Capaia Sauvignon Blanc is overwhelmingly aromatic with notes of guavas and passion fruits🍏🍊🍋. On the palate it is so fresh like as if you were swimming in the sea🏝️! Limited time offer! Let’s fill up your fridge and chill yourself this summer!