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Sassicaia 2018 (RP: 97+)


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以Cabernet Sauvignon為主的葡萄酒,對托斯卡尼和區內的Piedmont來說都是對傳統的顛覆,當地一向是自家葡萄Sangiovese及Nebbiolo的天下。酒莊Tenuta San Guido當年破格地種植Cabernet Sauvignon,其中一個原因就是創辦人Mario Incisa侯爵早在上世紀40年代留意到,托斯卡尼的地勢跟波爾多的產區Graves很相似。
在 1999 年重新種植之前,他們從Palmetta葡萄園發挖出岩石。法語中的graves或gravel就是形容波爾多由岩石構成的地勢。而Sassicaia可說是托斯卡尼的岩石地,跟波爾多像雙生兒般相近。

D.O.C. Bolgheri Sassicaia (D.O.C. Sassicaia)



Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc

(Robert Parker's rating: 97+ points)
2018年是經典的年份,亦是Sassicaia面世的50周年……由於果味的微妙、當前的酸度、良好的結構和酒精度,這款酒達至美妙的平衡。 口感層次提升,感覺明亮,餘韻優美而悠長,完全跳過了中段的沉重感。香氣特別迷人,李子等果香非常活潑,還有朱古力、胡椒香料、鐵礦石、焦糖和餡餅皮都令它風味倍增。 香氣中還帶有一種綠色的意境,由茴香、茶葉、大豆、薄荷醇和黑橄欖味構成。 果實成熟度恰到好處,沒有過熟或未熟的情況。 總體而言,2018 Sassicaia 具有纖細的框架和持久的韻味。 此外,它還以過去經典年份和典型的優雅而備受注目。(品飲年份:2024-2045)

A wine made mainly from Cabernet Sauvignon was a fundamental change to the Tuscan and Piedmont tradition of Sangiovese and Nebbiolo, respectively. The innovative decision to plant this variety at Tenuta San Guido was partly due to the similarity Mario Incisa had noted between Tuscan terrain and that of Graves in Bordeaux.

Rocks excavated from the “Palmetta” vineyard before replanting it in 1999. ‘Graves’, or ‘gravel’ in French refers to the rocky terrain which distinguishes the Bordeaux area; similarly, the gravely vineyard sites in Tuscany impart the same characteristics on Sassicaia, "stony ground", as its cherished French brother.

D.O.C. Bolgheri Sassicaia (D.O.C. Sassicaia)

Country of Origin:
Toscana, Italy

Red/Rouge (Still)

Grape Varieties:
Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc

Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 97+ points)

This is a classic vintage of an Italian icon now celebrating its 50th vintage(The first commercial vintage of Sassicaia was 1968)...The wine's careful balance is achieved thanks to the nuanced character of the fruit, the present acidity, the well-managed structure and the contained alcohol. The palate is lifted and bright, the finish is polished and long, and the wine skips over any heaviness on the mid-palate. The bouquet is especially intriguing with a very lively plummy fruit element that is enhanced by baker's chocolate, pepper spice, iron ore, caramel and pie crust. There is also a green character that adds positively to the bouquet with aniseed, tea leaf, soya, menthol rub and black olive. The fruit maturity is spot-on with no elements that feel over or underripe. Overall, the 2018 Sassicaia weighs in with a svelte frame and long persistence. Moreover, it is distinguished by the archetypal elegance and pedigree of the classic vintages of the past. (Drink date: 2024-2045)