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來自Wachau的Elisabeth Pichler-Krutzler和來自Burgenland的Erich Krutzler於2006年在Wachau開設了自己的酒莊,兩夫婦都來自知名的釀酒家族(FX Pichler 和Krutzler),他們一起灌注靈魂和個性來釀製葡萄酒,完全尊重自然,採用持續發展的方式來種植葡萄。
Erich Krutzler在釀酒的路上,由九十年代一步一腳印地走來。當時他為家族在Südburgenland出產出色而有性格的紅酒,這也解釋了為甚麼主打Riesling 及 Grüner Veltliner的同時,亦會釀造Burgenland Blaufränkisch。
奧地利 Wachau
Grüner Veltliner
人手採收。在大型橡木桶內( 600-1500 升 )陳年10個月。
(Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)
2018 年的 Kellerberg Grüner Veltliner 以涼爽、火藥味、令人興奮的礦石和草本花香開始,非常複雜。 在 9 月底收成,酒精度14%。 細膩多汁,非常優雅迷人,但也有鹹味,是一款刺激而充滿活力的Kellerberg(單一葡萄園名稱)。感覺平衡、複雜、礦物感清新,餘韻悠長,回味無窮…… 2018 年的 Kellerberg 具有非凡的技巧、優雅,富有張力,Veltliner 給人一種相當輕盈或在跳舞的印象,確實是一款好酒。
Elisabeth Pichler-Krutzler from the Wachau and Erich Krutzler from the Burgenland founded their own wine estate in the Wachau in 2006. Both husband and wife originated from famous wine-making families. Together, they craft wines of great soul and individuality, based on a respect form nature and sustainable viticultural practice.
All this is a continuation of the path that Erich Krutzler set out on in the 1990s when he helped his family estate produce outstanding and characterful red wines in the Südburgenland. This is why a Burgenland Blaufränkisch finds its place in the range alongside Riesling and Grüner Veltliner.
The Pichler-Krutzler wines are pure, unadulterated and made without compromise to quality. Each wine is the reflection of its own terroir, harvested, raised and bottled without blending. Since there is no chaptalization, no juice concentration, no fining or additives of any sort, all the wines express their origins plain and clear. Just high-grade handcraft without any fancy trends.
Wachau, Austria
Country of Origin:
White/Blanc (Still)
Grape Variety:
Grüner Veltliner
Ried(Single Vineyard) Kellerberg is the paragon for a top single vineyard in the winegrowing region Wachau. Manual cared vines are grown on south-eastern facing terraces made with natural stone walls. The soil is dominated by Orthogneiss.
A long vegetation period caused by cool airstreams from the so-called Flickental during nights is resulting in a late harvest. This microclimatic combination is creating wines combining refinement and power in a matchless kind. Wines commonly are restrained and alluring, full-bodied and savoury at the same time, but always multi-layered with lot of depth.
Fermentation and Ageing:
Manuel harvest. 10 months in big oak casks ( 600-1500L ).
Tasting Notes:
(Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)
Pichler-Krutzler's 2018 Ried Kellerberg Grüner Veltliner opens with a coolish, flinty and reductive, excitingly stony and herbal bouquet of great complexity. Picked at the end of September, this is based on the latest picking of the domain and comes in with 14% alcohol. On the palate, this is a fine and juicy, very elegant and charming but also salty, piquant and vital Kellerberg with a balanced, complex and refreshing mineral, energetic, never-ending but always refined and elegant finish that lingers and lingers... The 2018 Kellerberg has remarkable finesse, elegance and even tension and comes across as a rather light or dancing Veltliner. A great wine indeed.
Category: Agency Brands, Gruner Veltliner, Pichler-Krutzler, White Wines, Wines from Austria
Type: Wine