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神之水滴『十一門徒 夕陽』的入門版 Ferrer Bobet Vinyes Velles 2019 (RP: 94, JS: 94)



Robert Parker: 94
James Suckling: 94
Hudin: 94
Tim Atkin: 92
Wine Enthusiastic: 92
P Ballesteros MW: 95

酒莊位於西班牙加泰羅尼亞南面的Priorat,由兩位好朋友Sergi Ferrer-Selat和Raul Bobet共同創立,兩人都十分尊重當地葡萄種植和釀酒傳統,採用來自逾百歲老樹的Carignan和Grenache之餘,所有皆是有機耕種,於 2005年推出第一系列的葡萄酒後,迅即成為西班牙葡萄酒的新時尚,而2008年的Ferrer Bobet更成為著名漫畫《神之水滴》的第11使徒。

釀酒前的葡萄也經過雙重檢定,並於較小木桶發酵,再在幼細的法國橡木桶陳年15個月,所以酒質特別絲滑,其中Ferrer Bobet Seleccio Especial特別受注目。今後,他們會繼續以保持葡萄酒的優雅、新鮮、和諧及礦物平衡為目標,釀造更優質的葡萄酒。

西班牙 DOQ Priorat



79% Carignan老樹、21% Grenache 



(James Suckling's rating: 94 points)

(Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)
2019 Vinyes Velles採用 79% Cariñena 及 21% Garnacha。它們來自位於Porrera村內的山坡、具有llicorella板岩土壤、70年以上歷史的葡萄園。酒莊追求優雅和新鮮,避免過度萃取和葡萄過熟;所有的葡萄酒都以類似的方式生產——短暫的冷泡、淋皮和壓帽,以及浸漬,直至味道告訴他們已經足夠。
這款酒在225公升的法國橡木桶中陳年16個月。酒精度為14.5%,pH值3.39,酸度5.49 克。香氣以水果為主,帶有成熟漿果、香料和泥土的氣息,讓人想起石墨,並融入了橡木的味道。口感飽滿,單寧細膩。於2021年6月裝瓶。

Ferrer Bobet is all about respect. Respect for the long traditions of vine-growing and wine-making in the Priorat. Respect for the social and economic development of this rocky, mountainous region in the south of Catalonia. The mutual respect of two friends, Sergi Ferrer-Selat and Raul Bobet, both passionate about the world and culture of wine. And respect for wine lovers looking for a Priorat that reflects with purity and harmony the distinctive mineral essence of this land that produced it. 2008 saw the first fruits of a vision that began six years earlier: our first two wines, Ferrer Bobet 2005 and Ferrer Bobet Seleccio Especial 2005, were launched, using grapes from some of the oldest vines in the Priorat. It marks a milestone on an intense and fruitful journey.

DOQ Priorat, Spain

Country of Origin:

Red/Rouge (Still)

Grape Varieties:
79% Old Carignan and 21% Grenache

Grapes from steep slate hillsides and terraces picked by hand into 10kg boxes. Selected berry by berry on a double sorting table and then transferred to tanks by gravity.

Fermentation in 15 and 30 hL wooden tanks. 

Malolactic conversion and aging in new fine-grained, medium and lightly toasted French oak barrels for 15 months. Bottled unfined and unfiltered. Bottle aged for a minimum 11 months.

Tasting Notes:
(James Suckling's rating: 94 points)
Aromas of cocoa powder, grilled meat, sage, espresso and blackberries. Full-bodied with silky tannins. So elegant and refined with real supple texture and rounded black fruit. Effortless balance. Delicious.

(Robert Parker's rating: 94 points)
The 2019 Vinyes Velles was produced with 79% Cariñena and 21% Garnacha from slope vineyards older than 70 years on llicorella slate soils all within the limits of the village of Porrera. They look for elegance and freshness and avoid over-extraction and over-ripeness; all of the wines are produced in a similar way—fermentation after a short cold soak, with pumping over and punching down and macerated until the taste tells them it's enough. This wine matured in 225-liter French barriques for 16 months. It has 14.5% alcohol, a pH of 3.39 and 5.49 grams of acidity. It has a fruit-driven nose with ripe berries and spices and an earthy touch, reminiscences of graphite, with integrated oak. The palate is full-bodied and juicy, with very fine tannins. 26,824 bottles and 453 magnums produced. It was bottled in June 2021.

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